I was always wondering how a timeline layout for a portfolio website could look like. I tried two timeline layouts:
1) The thumbnail timeline
Projects or entries are aligned next to each other according to the year when it was released.
The timeline can be browsed to the left and right.
Hovering the thumbnail will give additional information in a mouse over
Clicking the thumbnail will change the image and information of the main body
2) The “topic” timeline
Projects or entries are aligned in a information graphic where the user can define how much she worked on one topic
red represents a topic like graphic design
orange a topic like audio production
The user can display how much time effort she put on one topic in which year
This would also work for carrier steps (company 1 = red, company 2 = blue, University = yellow and so on)
Finished projects would be represented by dots
Hovering the dots will give additional information in a mouse over
Clicking the dots will change the image and information of the main body
The timeline can be browsed to the left and right.
So what?
I built prototypes for both in flash and they work pretty fine. I ran obviously into usability issues with the second approach when testing them. The focus is simply too much on “it looks nice” rather have an interface which is well understood. I also realized that flash is not a good technology for a portfolio or website anymore and stopped working on it. Check out a rough, almost not working version here.