My third album of the latin influenced phase from 2008 with a strong melancholic – electro – bass vibe featuring one of my favourite songs “Sun Junkie”. Berlin had definitely a lasting influence on this album. The industrial east german disctricts with their open spaces and a general melancholic mood pushed the album towards its mood and tone.
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Written & produced by mabafu. Co-produced and mixed by comixxx.
Lyrics written by voice artists except text for Joe B. Hard (written by mabafu).
Voice artists:
- Alena Sola (sun junkie, lovers quarrel)
- Tony Watson (we keep you bouncin’, she is hot, cumbia aleman)
- Ifm (in love with summer, time for trouble, feel the truth)
- Joe B. Hard (why do you cry tonight, sun junkie, feel the truth)
Guest musicians:
- Comixxx (scratches on good morning sunshine)